Using Social Media, specifically Twitter to develop your own personal Professional Learning Network.
Social media is becoming more than a place to find a funny meme or keeping in touch with old friends. Professionals are utilizing social media to grow their Professional Learning Network (PLN).
Through Twitter, I have grown my PLN. I have been inspired from classroom instruction and assessments, as well as found free resources to use in my classroom and help others. After facilitating a Service Learning Summit, I even hosted my own chat to prolong conversation.
Through a PLN you can also find opportunities to collaborate with like minded professionals all over the world.
Below are some links to some valuable resources I utilize in my classroom:
Brain Breaks
PYP Resources
Next Generation Storylines
How would you compare the PLN you find using Twitter as opposed to Linked In?
We currently do brain breaks in my classroom by using go noodle! My students love it! What do you use?